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Showing posts from January, 2019

It's Gimli vs the undead in Soldier of War

Poor, poor John Rhys-Davies. The man who was once Sallah and Gimli is now reduced to playing that old guy in a bad horror movie. Or, at the very least, a "bad' horror movie. I'm not sure where Soldier of War falls in the bad, or "bad," category. No matter what, Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Lord of the Rings it isn't.

First look at Hobbs & Shaw poster, trailer drops Friday

When The Fast and the Furious came out in 2001, I don't think any of us anticipated we'd still be getting sequels in 2019, let alone any of them being any good. Surprise! It's 2019, the series really hit its stride with Fast 5 back in 2011, there's a ninth film coming out in 2020, and a spinoff featuring Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham's Hobbs and Shaw characters this summer. Holy MCU-like franchise, Batman!

Retro Review: Screamers (1995)

Hard to believe a movie made in 1995 can be considered a Retro Review. But that was 24 years ago -- almost a quarter of a century -- so yeah, by today's standards, that's retro. I remember seeing Screamers in a theatre back then, and being somewhat disappointed. I can't remember why, to tell the truth. So, when fellow podcasting brother Jon Cross over at The After Movie Diner posted a pic of his Blu-Ray copy of the film on Instagram the other day, I decided it was time for a rewatch.

After the Lethargy teases an alien sex dungeon

If that headline doesn't get you interested in Marc Carrete's latest horror offering, I don't know what will. Granted, I'm not sure if what I wrote is 100 per cent accurate, but having just watched the trailer for After the Lethargy, I'm guessing that's sorta what's going on here.

First look at Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in Bad Boys 3

A third Bad Boys film is actually happening, which is amazing given the second film came out in 2003. So, that'd be 16 years ago? Yup, 16 years ago. But Will Smith and Martin Lawrence are indeed back as Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett respectfully, and they are joined by series regular Joe Pantoliano as Captain Howard.

Project Blue Book Season 1, Ep. 4

History's Project Blue Book soars along with this fourth episode, touching on both the Nazi's involvement in the U.S. space race, and the Chiles-Whitted Incident, where passengers on a commercial aircraft witnessed a UFO in flight. Suffice to say, this is a packed hour of TV... well, packed 42 minutes actually.

Review: Polar

During a day and age where everything is about excess, I find it hard to fathom a movie being criticized for its own. Critics have slammed Netflix's latest offering, the comic-book adaptation Polar, for being too excessive. Too much sex, nudity, depravity and violence. Especially its violence. Yet take a casual glance through Instagram, Snap Chat and Facebook, and that's all you see.

The Jamie Bernadette interview, The Kid Who Would Be King, and Serenity

The Basement Boys are back with another extended cut podcast sure to pleasure your ear holes as they interview actor and scream queen Jamie Bernadette! Sure, you might have heard three minutes of the conversation earlier today on Jason and Shawn's Radio NL 610 AM Morning Show segment, but you get to hear the whole thing right here, right now.

The Kid Who Would be King finds Serenity

No blockbuster releases this weekend, but there's still a pair of movies featuring high-profile casts and high concepts duking it out for your hard-earned movie dollar. And Jason, Shawn and Howie are here to tell you all about it on the Radio NL 610 AM Morning Show. That way your entertainment choices are a little easier to make. They also have a feature interview with scream queen Jamie Bernadette about her latest project, The 6th Friend. Stick with us!

Is Jeff Bridges reprising The Dude for a mystery project?

The Big Lebowski is one of the Coen Brothers' best films. Period. Hands down. Bar none. And a HUGE part of the film's success is due to Jeff Bridges' iconic turn as The Dude, that White-Russian slurping, perpetually stoned bowler. Granted, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi and John Turturro are also amazing, but The Dude is, well The Dude, man.

When it rains, it pours in Netflix's The Umbrella Academy trailer

This looks like some next level weird shit, and I'm A-OK with that! Based on the violent and wacky comic-book series by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba, The Umbrella Academy seems like a mashup of The X-Men and... I'm not sure what. But there's a talking monkey, so I just rolled with it.

Retro Review: The Changeling (1980)

The Basement's primary focus has always been horror, with other genre fair thrown in for good measure. Yes, we've started deviating into more mainstream films, video games and the like, but we're still down for a good horror movie. Some of the best horror movies are haunted-house movies. When done right, they can be a creepy and satisfying affair. Yes, the subgenera can become predictable and even trite, but, like I said, when done right...

Review: Ghostbusters (2016)

With the recent release of a new " Ghostbusters " teaser, I decided to sit down and watch the franchise reboot that came out in 2016.  Did the all female version deserve all of the hate it got? As paranormal events start to occur across New York in increasing numbers, three scientists (and Patty) come together to investigate the cause.  They soon find themselves dealing with the possible end of the world...

Project Blue Book Season 1, Ep. 3

Project Blue Book continues to improve with its third episode, this time exploring the case of The Lubbock Lights. It also amps up the conspiracy and paranoia factor, which makes for entertaining television to say the least. The Lubbock Lights took place in Lubbock, Texas in the late summer of 1951, and was one of the first reported cases of a mass UFO sighting. The case was officially closed and attributed to plovers, a kind of bird.

Dark comedy explores what it's like Driving While Black

There's a new dark comedy hitting VOD just in time for Black History Month, and it takes a hard look at what it's like growing up black in L.A. Written by and starring Dominque Purdy, Driving While Black is based on his real-life experiences as a person of colour in Los Angeles, particularly his encounters with the police.

Head Into the Dark with this trailer for Down

I debated writing an article about the 2019 Academy Award nominations, or posting this trailer for Down, the latest entry in Blumhouse's Into the Dark horror-anthology series on Hulu. As you can see, Down won, hands... well, down. Not that the Oscars don't have their place, and Black Panther being the first comic-book movie to ever be nominated for Best Picture is interesting, but still. We're not Oscar people here in The Basement.

Wanna see the Giallo-Inspired horror short Knock Knock Knock Knock?

You read the headline, and you might be like "why would I want to see the Giallo-inspired horror short Knock Knock Knock Knock?" Am I right? I thought so, and I get it. I felt the same way. Then I watched the trailer Faster Productions sent us for the film, and was like "oh."

The Drunken Review: Abominable

Shawn and I reviewed Abominable  back in 2011 , and dug the hell out of it, so why bother revisiting it? Well, I'm associate producer on the upcoming Bigfoot flick No Man's Ridge , and though it might be good to take a look back at Ryan Schifrin's under appreciate little monster movie. And I'd had a few drinks in me at the time, so why not go the full Drunken Review? It'd been eight years. Opinions change... especially after a few cold ones.

The Animated Addict: "Trolls" (2016)

Growing up as a teenager in the 1980's, did you ever think to yourself, "You know what would be cool, dude?  If 30 years from now, Hollywood would take an ugly looking doll popular right now and turn it into a movie!  Awesoooooome!" Well... it happened.  It's a thing.

Game Time With Jess: should I work or play Resident Evil 2?

A couple of games caught my eye this week. The first one is Wandersong, which comes out on PS4 January 22. This little guy is all about singing and hope, which instantly hooked me. Don't get me wrong wrong, I love my gory hack and slash, but sometimes you just want something else. Wandersong's already been released on PC, so I jumped on it and gave it a shot. It's just what I thought it'd be. Cute and whimsical. Rainbow colors exploding everywhere, silly ghosts and a kitty with butterfly wings. You even get dance moves. It's been so refreshing to play, I can't wait to get back to it.

Review: Glass

Where to begin with Glass. It seems to have divided movie-goers and critics alike, playing to, and against, expectations. I find this to be the sign of a good movie, one that will be talked about for a long time. The critics who hate it are those of the pretentious variety; the one's who wanted Glass to be something more than it is: an entertaining follow up to two of M. Night Shyamalan's more accomplished works: Unbreakable and Split.

Review: The Punisher Season 2

Marvel's era on Netflix might rapidly be coming to an end, but at least it's going out with a bang with The Punisher's second season. I'd read early reviews, with some critics saying the show is unevenly paced and a bit on the slow side. Not sure what they were watching, or even smoking. This season is every bit as good as the first and, in some ways, better.

The Glass cast, and a whole lot more

There's only one major movie release this week, but still lots to talk about in the world of all things entertainment. Who yah gonna call? Jason and Shawn of course!

This cast is Glass

Only one major release this weekend, but it's a big one for movie fans as Universal unleashes it's much anticipated flick Glass. And Jason, Shawn and Howie are gonna let you know why it's such a big deal when the clock strikes 8:40 ish on this morning's Radio NL 610 AM Morning Show.

Retro Review: The Car (1977)

The Car is a horror movie I discovered on television... or, more accurately, within the contents of our local TV guide. See, kids, back in the day, before the convenience of the Internet and digital programming, we had to read a book to know what was going to be on TV. And, one day back in 1978, there was a promotion for The Car.

Review: The Flatwoods Monster (A Small Town Monsters documentary)

Just yesterday I posted a review of Project Blue Book's second episode, which chronicled the case of The Flatwoods Monster. I enjoyed the episode so much, I decided to research the story behind the episode, and came across this documentary on the subject. As an amateur paranormal investigator, I've heard of Small Town Monsters, a documentary crew who make films about, well, monsters. I'd seen a previous flick they did on The Mothman of Point Pleasant, which itself became a popular book and feature film, The Mothman Prophecies.

Prepare for war: the John Wick 3 trailer has arrived!

The trailer for John Wick Chapter 3 - Parabellum has arrived, and if this doesn't get you pumped to see the movie, then I question your man or womanhood. What more needs to be said? Nothing! Just watch:

From the Corner: "The Shining" (1980)

I just realized that my most "famous" review for the Basement has never actually appeared on the site... the one where I "dis" Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of Stephen King's "The Shining".  What did I say that prompted one e-mail to me stating that Stephen King and I were just jealous because "Kubrick understood the characters better than Stephen King did"? Well, here it is in all its hate inducing glory!

Review: Project Blue Book Season 1, Ep. 2

History's Project Blue Book improves upon the first episode by diving into one of the most famous cases in U.F.O. and paranormal lore: The Flatwoods Monster. In 1952, a woman and a handful of children witnessed an object fall from the skies of West Virginia, and saw what they believed to be a giant monster in the woods. An investigation determined the object was a meteor, and the witnesses mistook a barn owl perched on a tree as the monster.

Jason Reitman teases new Ghostbusters movie

It seems like human sacrifices, dogs and cats living together, and other mass hysteria have occurred, as a new Ghostbusters movie -- one that ignores the 2016 remake -- is headed our way in 2020! What do we know about the picture? Not much, other then Jason Reitman (son of original Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman) will direct from a script he co-wrote with Gil Kenan. Reitman stated this is a continuation of the 1984 film.

John Wick 3 lands a slick new poster

We're just four months out from the release of John Wick Chapter 3 - Parabellum, and we've not yet seen a lick of footage. But that's OK, as anticipation for this sequel is high enough as is. But today we do have a first look at the movie's poster, which is just pure awesome, in my not-so-humble opinion.

Spider-Man hits Europe in the first Far From Home trailer

So the post Avengers: Endgame world is already shaping up to be a fun place as Spider-Man travels to Europe in this first, and much anticipated, trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home. Already, I'm missing the presence of one Robert Downey Jr. Is this a hint at what's to come in Endgame? Best not to speculate, but focus on the movie at hand.

Review: Titans Season 1

I profess my only real exposure to DC's Teen Titans is via the comedic kids' cartoon Teen Titans Go!, and that's because my seven year old loves it. OK, I find it pretty amusing too. As Starfire would say, it's the good. So I'm not among the group of fans who have complained DC's new Titans series, which recently debuted on their streaming service, and just made the jump to Netflix, isn't an accurate representation of the characters. Those naysayers say it's too dark, too violent, too whatever.

Insomniac Theatre: "Krull" (1983)

You may be thinking, "HEY!  Didn't you already review this movie?  I'm outraged!"  You'd be partially right.  Not too long ago, Jay did a Drunken Review of " Krull ".  I had actually watched it back in December (those that follow me on Instagram will remember it), with the intention of reviewing it myself. So, yeah- it has been reviewed.  But I'm not the one that did it. So simmer the outrage to a light boil and read on, eh?

Game Time With Jess: Resident Evil 7 and My Time at Portia

The past couple of days have been spent with Resident Evil. Friday was the frustration of trying to impatiently wait for the Resident Evil 2 1-Shot Demo to drop, and then the disappointment of not completing the demo within the 30 minutes. However, I did return to the demo the following day on my husband's PS4, and that was much more satisfying. I actually finished it with nine minutes to spare. I enjoyed it this time, but it killed me to leave all the unsolved puzzles behind me. Only 11 more days and I can return to those puzzles!

Star Trek spinoff explores dark side of the Federation

I'm not much of a Star Trek fan outside of the feature films. I've tried many times to watch the various TV series, but they all seemed the same to me, no matter how differently they were dressed. And yes, that includes Star Trek: Discovery, which returns to CBS All Access later this week. For the record, I am excited about the new Picard series, because Patrick Stewart is the tits!

The Drunken Review: Hell Fest

How to describe Hell Fest, a Halloween-themed horror flick that harkens back to 80s slasher like Hell Night, Funhouse, The Prowler and countless others? It would be a lot easier if I remembered it well. And no, it wasn't the rum and beer that made me forget much of Hell Fest (well, OK. Maybe a little bit). It's more how generic the flick is, offering little new to the horror subgenera other than its unique setting.

Game Time With Jess: Resident Evil 2 1-Shot Demo

A new feature here in The Basement as gamer gal Jess takes on video games new and old on a weekly basis. This week she tackles the Resident Evil 2 1-Shot Demo that dropped earlier today. Stick with us! My plan this morning was to play the Resident Evil 2 1-Shot Demo, but it's kind of hard to play when there's nothing to download. I searched, Googled and waited and, in the end, got told I just had to wait until it was released in my area. Grrr. Hours later, it was finally our turn and the download appeared.

Review: Project Blue Book Season 1, Ep. 1

Back in the 1950s, just as the Cold War was really taking off, the United States of America was caught in a post-Roswell U.F.O. craze. People everywhere were seeing flying saucers, and the American government wasn't quite sure what to do about it. Their response was Project Blue Book; a U.S. Air Force investigative unit tasked with investigating U.F.O. sightings. The new History Channel series of the same name uses actual Project Blue Book cases as the springboard for a labyrinthian mythology about an alleged government cover up involving aliens on Earth.

The 6th Friend, Replicas, The Upside and A Dog's Way Home

Last weekend there was nothing, but this weekend there's three big releases and one film in limited release that every horror fan needs to check out. And Jason and Shawn are here to tell you all about 'em! For starters, scream queen Jamie Bernadette stars, co-wrote and produced the slasher movie The 6th Friend, and it's been granted a limited theatrical run today. How cool is that? Given the Basement Boys have seen it, and will put the flick on the chopping block, it could be very cool indeed. What'd they think? Stick with us!

Replicas finds The Upside to A Dog's Way Home

There's a trio of new movies headed your way this weekend, promising something for everyone. Well, as long as you like sci-fi, drama, comedy or dogs. Come to think of it, that pretty much IS everyone! And Jason, Shawn and Howie give you the rundown on all three movies, so your box-office dollar is well spent. Don't thank them now -- it's what today's segment on the mighty Radio NL 610 AM Morning Show is all about.

Late Stan Lee immortalized in World of Warcraft

Looks like the folks at Blizzard have decided to add a culture icon to their cast of World of Warcraft characters. That's right, gaming nerds: the Marvel Comics founder and frequent MCU guest star has one more cameo up his sleeve, other than Avengers: Endgame, of course.

Retro Review: The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976)

If ever there's a forgotten genre classic, the 1976 flick The Town That Dreaded Sundown has to be one of them. I know that's a bold out-of-the-gate statement for a critic, but that's how I felt after viewing director Charles B. Pierce's retelling of a chilling true-crime story.

New Punisher Season 2 trailer is what it's meant to be

Although the relationship between Netflix and Marvel Studios is apparently on the outs, we're still going to get one more go-around with Frank Castle, AKA The Punisher, starting next Friday. For that, Shawn and I are thankful. Why? Well, the streaming service just dropped a new trailer for the hit show's second season, and it delivers everything one would expect from a TV series called The Punisher.

The Animated Addict: "Megamind" (2010)

Hey oh!  I'm back!  Today, I'm going to quickly run down my thoughts on the 2010 DreamWorks animated deconstruction of the superhero genre, "Megamind"... An epic battle between the villainous Megamind, and the heroic Metro Man results in the unexpected death of Metro Man.  Now, without his arch-enemy to combat... what's a villain to do?

Review: The 6th Friend

I've seen a lot of slasher movies in my time, and understand the formula pretty well. Halloween defined the genre, Friday the 13th took it to new levels, and the Scream franchise added a wink and a nudge. I've seen them all, so it's tough to get me hooked on one. The latest entry in the slasher cannon, Jamie Bernadette's The 6th Friend, attempts to blend elements from all these legendary titles into something new and fresh, and for the most part, this movie succeeds.

Alien invasion flick Fighting the Sky attacks in February

Shawn and I dig us some alien-themed movies. Be they about aliens attacking a spaceship crew, or blowing up the White House, we're instantly on board. There's no shortage of these flicks out there, but most are direct to digital and lack a budget and scope. So colour me surprised when a trailer and poster for the upcoming Fighting the Sky appeared in our inbox, and offered something a little . . . bigger.

New Blood Bound clip makes a dark promise

Did you know that Thanos has a daughter, and she stars in movies? A new horror flick called Blood Bound to be exact. Well, Josh Brolin has a daughter, and she's one of the leads in Blood Bound, which is described as Rosemary's Baby meets Drag Me to Hell. That conjures up quite an image when you stop to think about it.

Has Star Trek 4 been shelved?

Bad news for our resident Trekkers Shawn and Mike S as word hit the Interwebs today that the next instalment in Star Trek's big-screen franchise might not happen after all. Word came via the folks at Collider that contract negotiations for Chris Pine, who plays James T. Kirk, and Chris Hemsworth, who was to return in the untitled fourth film as Kirk's back-from-the-dead dad, have stalled.

New Captain Marvel trailer brings more action, Agent Coulson

A third, and I assume final, trailer for Captain Marvel has appeared online, and it continues to paint and impressive picture of the upcoming Marvel Studios flick. For one, this Special Look trailer has a boat load of action, and exposition, giving audiences a better idea of what to expect when the flick opens in March. And it brings back one of the MCU's most beloved characters: Agent Coulson.