Humans have a fascination with celebrities. Humans also have a fascination with murder. When you combine the two, you get a real scandal that humans will talk about for decades...
Robert Edward Crane started out as a disc jockey seeking fame and fortune in the Hollywood lights. Once he became the star he wanted to be... things started to take a dark turn- a recipe of sex, drugs, alcohol, and video cameras.
A recipe that served the world one of the most famous unsolved murders in Hollywood history...
"The Murder of Bob Crane" tells of the rise and fall of the "Hogan's Heroes" star, and the circumstances surrounding his end. I found it a fascinating read, as Graysmith followed the trail of Crane's life- both in front of and behind the camera. It delved into the dark nooks of his friendships and sexual conquests.
The description and details given about his gruesome murder, and the police investigation afterwards are richly painted out for you. The writing style really- for me at least, evokes the feeling of the time period (1978) in it's tone and feel.
If you have an interest in famous unsolved murder cases, then I would certainly recommend "The Murder of Bob Crane" by Robert Graysmith. It's getting a "Good".
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