Mike S here with another animated review! This time, I check out "The Sky Crawlers" by Warner Bros...
It's a world where war is run by corporations. In Area 262, the young "kildren" pilot Yuichi Kannami becomes obsessed with the mystery behind his predecessor's disappearance- one that left his plane in pristine condition.
He soon discovers that there's more to the eternally young "kildren", and the pilot known as "The Teacher" than he knew... or thought he knew...
Based on Hiroshi Mori's novel, this is a very deep film. Wrapped up in the "mystery" of who the "kildren" really are, are themes of life, death, rebirth, immortality, the never ceasing nature of war- and its role within society, and finding some hope despite knowing one's fate. All of these threads serve to weave a wonderfully thought provoking and emotionally engaging story. You're pulled along at an almost leisurely pace, before spinning out of control during the action sequences... before once again calmly continuing on. Reflecting very much the life of a fighter pilot in war- and the life of a "kildren".
The characters are interesting, unique, and quickly bring you into the world and story. You will find yourself care about them, and wanting them to learn the truth about themselves- and the reality of the war they live in. You hope against hope that they find a way to break the endless cycle of the war, and find some inner peace doing so.
The voice acting is pretty damn good as well- bringing a real sense of energy, life, and depth to the characters. The voices all meshed nicely as a whole, while still maintaining independence and individuality.
"The Sky Crawlers" is especially known for it's animation- which is gorgeous. The character designs can see a bit "off" at times- but in general are fantastic. They match the voice and personality of each character perfectly, and really enhance the performances- helping to keep you engaged with them and the story. This movie is an almost seamless mixture of standard animation, and 3D CGI- although going from the fairly standard animation style of the quieter scenes to the really dynamic CGI action scenes can be a touch jarring at first, you soon lose yourself in the artistry, look, and feel of the style as a whole.
I would recommend "The Sky Crawlers" to those interested in anime with deep themes, and thought provoking commentary on the role of war in our world. I'm giving it a "Good".
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