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Q&A: Tracey Birdsall

Actress Tracey Birdsall, currently decked out like Ellen Ripley on the set of a new science-fiction film called Robot Armageddon, offered us an update on that film, as well as some of her other upcoming projects including the rather saucy-sounding Who’s Jenna Jameson?

You've turned into somewhat of a science fiction star in recent films. How did that happen?
I’ve always been a science fiction fan, although it was a genre that I hadn’t worked in until recently! I like working across genres because I believe it keeps you fresh and interesting as an actor; however I do have to say that it’s been some of the most fun I’ve ever had (working in science fiction). Perhaps it’s for my love of the genre, perhaps it’s for my love of the make-believe aspect, perhaps it’s because of all of the action and physicality, perhaps it’s for the amazing costuming… I believe it’s all of the above.
How did you keep getting the science-fiction roles? Are they the type of films you’re actively interested in pursuing? 
Science Fiction, Comedy, Drama, they are different aspects of being an actor. I believe it’s just my time right now as I haven’t been auditioning in well over a year - I just read scripts to see if I want to do those roles. I’m in a Science Fiction Film right now “Robot Armageddon” but then I go back to filming the lead role in the hilarious comedy “Who’s Jenna Jameson?” on the East Coast, so there is some diversification!
Before science-fiction, you were known best for your small screen work. Is there a TV role we might recognize you best for?
I was recurring on the soap opera “Loving” for many years, recurring on the nighttime drama “Hearts are Wild” and also had many guest and originally co-star roles. I also hosted The Million Dollar Showcase of Homes when I was in my 20’s, so it just depends on what people watched - what they remember me from. I’ve also done many films over the years, so it just depends on what they watch.
Film wise, you won an award for a horror movie last year – Dawn of the Crescent Moon. That’s not out yet, so can you tell us a bit about it?
“Dawn of the Crescent Moon” is newly released actually. I played opposite Barry Corbin throughout the movie weaving the story of the mystery at Blood Lake. We won a Best Ensemble Cast Award for that film at Del Weston’s Action on Film Festival. I also received an honorary award at that festival (called the Maverick Award) for my contributions to the film industry - which was such a thrill. Previous award winners of the Maverick Award include Talia Shire, David Carradine, Michael Madsen, Kim Coates, and John Savage (to name a few.) “Do You Like Your Balls?” also won an award for Best Comedy Scene - another film that I was in last year. Pretty much, it was a fantastic year.
Are you the female lead in that?
I was the female lead in “Do You Like Your Balls?” and in “Dawn of the Crescent Moon”, it was an ensemble cast. I’m currently the female lead in “Robot Armageddon” and also the female lead in “Who’s Jenna Jameson?”
Barry Corbin. What a legend. He’s in that too. Do you share scenes?
All but one of my scenes in “Dawn of the Crescent Moon” are with Barry Corbin! Alan Pietruszewski played Will (also opposite me). Basically we spent many days in a bar shooting those scenes with Barry, and it was just so much fun! There’s a reason Barry is a living legend… he really is “all that.” Since then, Barry has become one of my favorite friends… We also brought him on in our last film (wrapped a couple of months ago) entitled “At the Edge of Time.” He is just such a consummate pro.
Your next project is Who’s Jenna Jameson? Does Jenna Jameson know anything about it? Are you hoping to meet her at some stage?
“My people have been in touch with her people” is probably the best answer to that question. Of course I would love to meet her as she’s a true success story in the industry - a brilliant woman. I’ve researched her life quite significantly and can say that I would be honored to meet her if it works out that way. Irregardless, the comedy “Who’s Jenna Jameson?” is going to be hilarious!
Where’s that film at? Has it started filming?
“Who’s Jenna Jameson?” shoots on the East Coast and I’ll be there as soon as I wrap “Robot Armageddon”. It shoots mostly in New Jersey and I believe they are already lensing parts of it now. 


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