Several months ago, we brought to your attention a great short film called, "The Timeslip," directed by the Chance Brothers. Then, we offered up a bit of a tease about a screenplay for their next project "Something Like a Phenomenon" being entered into the 2012 Shriekfest competition- where it made it to the semi-finals.
NOW, we're proud to bring you the first poster for this project.
The story is based on the year that Harry Price- a renowned paranormal investigator, spent at Borley Rectory in 1937-1938. Using an advertisment in "The Times" paper, he gathered fifty volunteers to conduct the investigation of place claimed to be England's most haunted house. Was the house truly haunted... or was Harry Price involved in an elaborate hoax?
Considering the work done on "The Timeslip," I (Mike S) for one am looking forward to seeing this movie when it's released. Not only do I love horror, but I have an interest in the paranormal and investigating it- with Borley Rectory being one of the places I'd love to visit. I always felt that it would make a great setting for a movie, and was thrilled when I heard that Jonathan Chance was doing so.
You can be sure that when the opportunity arises, this movie will be reviewed here in the Basement- and on its sister site, "The Corner of Terror".
Check out the film's website, and their Facebook page!
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