The King's Speech more than lives up to its praise and deserves the awards its won. While it's not my favourite film from 2010, it's pretty damn close. The performances are spot on across the board, especially Colin Firth as King Gearge VI and Geoffrey Rush as his speech therapist Lionel. But what else would one expect from two world-class actors? It's a great story that's moving and funny, with not a note or scene out of place. In fact, it's as close to flawless as a movie can get. Easily one of the better dramas to come along in years, and rates a Good because of it.
Summer approaches, inspiring thoughts of sunshine, backyard parties, and having a tip and sip with friends. With that in mind, I bring you this week sunny beverage. To make a slushtail, mix a can of frozen orange juice, a can of frozen lemonade (or limeade), a can of pineapple juice, a couple cups of black tea (or English Breakfast), and two cups of bourbon- such as Southern Comfort, in a pitcher. When it's all nicely mixed, put it in the freezer until it's a nice slushy consistency. Scoop the slush into a cocktail glass, and pour in some Sprite or 7-Up. Add a little umbrella for some frivolous fun, and a straw. Voila! Ready to enjoy. This is a very refreshing drink. The fruit juices, Sprite, and bourbon- when chilled makes for a great punch-like drink. The bourbon doesn't overwhelm juices. In fact, they are all nicely balanced in terms of flavors. The sourness of the citrus fruits contrasts well with the slightly sweeter Sout...
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